Help us adorn our beautiful church with traditional hand-painted icons, and leave a meaningful spiritual legacy for future generations. The St. George's Iconography
Project committee expects the first stroke of a brush to have Icons written on our walls by a Romanian iconographer, Antonela Zaicescu, could begin in September. There are
two parts to this project which are Scenes and Individual icons. Scene Icons will be grouped in Large Scenes (primarily Great Feasts and biblical events) and Small Scenes
(primarily Gospel Stories and Parables). Individual Icons of Prophets, Martyrs, Holy Hierarchs, Desert Fathers, Saints, and Local (American Saints) will be either Full or
Bust size. Click on Antonela's Icon written work link to view her beautiful written icons.
Currently, parishioners are committing to icons they are interested in. There are more scenes planned, and in addition, we hope to provide the option for a family or
individual to sponsor a patron saint(s) or Gospel stories. Click on the Google Forms link to express which type of icon you are interested in, or how much you want to pledge. If you are interested in an icon and want to make payments,
there is a payment plan available.
Below are the estimated costs of the four type of icons, and click on the Icon Project Price list, for the cost of the approximate 190 icons that are going to be written on St. George's walls. This list is updated weekly.
Thank you very much for your support!